Sunday, October 6, 2013

Premier League video guides players and parents

The Premier League Youth Development department has created a short video animation for young players and parents to help guide them on all aspects of player development at a Premier League club academy.

The link allowing parents to view this video will be emailed to them directly from the Premier League when their son begins his time with an academy.

"It is extremely important to us that both parents and young players have a good understanding of the excellent work that goes on in our Academies"
Ged Roddy

Parents will also be sent the Charter for Players and Parents - a document including more detail on all aspects of a young player's education at a Premier League club.

"The number one stated aim of the Premier League’s Elite Player Performance Plan is to create more and better home-grown players and the clubs are working hard not just at developing the on-pitch football skills of young players but also their holistic development," said Premier League Director of Youth, Ged Roddy.

"The Foundation Phase - the early years at the club when the priorities are mastery of the ball whilst still having fun - is also about setting youngsters on their way to being well rounded individuals.

"It is extremely important to us that both parents and young players have a good understanding of the excellent work that goes on in our Academies to help develop the potential of talented youngsters.

"This animation will help explain everything from the importance of hard work and having fun on the pitch to the extensive education and welfare provisions run at our clubs."

To view the animation click here >>

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